Courts Vacancy Reduction Act Passed by Oversight Committee Today

National Guard Home Rule Act to address this issue. Representatives Norton, Maloney, Brown and Senators Van Hollen and Carper have previously introduced the D.C. When the House passed its version of the NDAA, it was the first time either chamber of Congress had ever passed a bill to give the D.C. National Guard and other federal forces to attack largely peaceful protestors.” National Guard to the Capitol for several hours, likely costing lives and prolonging the insurrection. At Lafayette Square, the Trump administration used the D.C. During January 6th, the Trump administration refused to deploy the D.C. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the events at Lafayette Square on June 1, 2020, are prime examples of why the mayor should control the D.C. The Members wrote, “The attack on the U.S. Republicans have blocked consideration of an amendment filed by Van Hollen and Carper to include this provision in the Senate version.

The House-passed version of the NDAA gives the D.C. The governors of states and territories control their National Guards, while the president controls the D.C. National Guard in the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 (NDAA). Maloney (D-NY), and Representative Anthony Brown (D-MD) sent a letter urging the chairs and ranking members of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to give the District of Columbia mayor control over the D.C. Norton, Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), Senator Tom Carper (D-DE), Representative Carolyn B. Norton Sends Letter to Democrats Asking for Support For Chair of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure I wish him many years of health and happiness in his next chapter." “Further, Chair DeFazio has been a strong supporter of statehood for the District of Columbia, for which I will always be grateful. "We all must thank Chair DeFazio for his devoted service to his district, his committee, and our country," Norton said. Norton has served as chair and ranking member of another of T&I’s subcommittees and has served on almost all the other T&I subcommittees. Norton is currently the most senior Democrat on the committee after DeFazio and chair of its largest subcommittee, the Subcommittee on Highways and Transit. Norton announced that she will run for chair or ranking member of T&I for the 118th Congress. After Learning of Chair DeFazio’s Plan to Retire, Norton Announces Run for Chair of Transportation & Infrastructure Committee